Harv Journey

i'm a web developer focusing mainly in the frontend side and have a passionate interest in design. here is a short story about how I got into computers and coding.

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another computer kid

mid 90s-2000s

  • born and raised in the Philippines. building Legos as a kid and fond of maps, trains and racetracks, signages and icons or basically anything visuals.
  • spent a lot of hours playing video games, Super Mario, Mortal Kombat and Dragon Ball Super Nintendo in the late 90s, inherited it growing up and got addicted to computer in mid 2000s.
  • love to draw either on paper or on Paint on my father's laptop, drawing gun models, house plans, and also somehow logos iirc.

undergrad exploration

'13 – '17

  • started programming with C++, C# and VB.Net during my freshman to sophomore years.
  • never studied design in school but still tried to deep dive and won an award for best in visual design during my sophomore year
  • intro to web dev, junior thesis: a hotel management system that really sucked but still a good learning experience
  • Senior Software Project: an online learning management system which is also just good on paper tbh.
  • got my bachelor's degree in computer science after being a scholar ni mama and became part of the infamous unemployed people's club.

grinding for fun and hustling to survive

'18 – '22

  • introduced myself to UI/UX + visual design
  • first job as a web developer focused on web design @inet.
  • maintained a lot of marketing websites and internal product apps.
  • took a handful of freelance jobs during The Great Pause (that's just the pandemic but fancier).

the now

'22 – today

  • bridging the gap between digital design and software development.
  • collaborating with different teams to ship products.
  • helping orgs and clients with their marketing and product websites.
  • cultivating good habits, building (side) projects, and constructing my own systems—both in the physical and digital realms.
  • Continuously seeking my niche in a world buzzing with artificial intelligence.

harv pursuits

today and beyond

  • OpenIdeas and Harv.IO to keep the spark alive and going.
  • Harv Creative, a studio-less independent design studio practice.
  • Crafts & Labs to keep me technically skilled.
  • building Proyekto:Filipino to help local community through software and design.
  • sometimes write about life and productivity, technical and personal.
  • outside of work, filling the gaps with music and mindfulness.

Thanks for reading. Hope you make yours too and share it with us. 🌠