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Goals for the Web

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As an individual contributor, I often think about a lot of things such as my purpose, my missions and vision for the society that I belong to. I often write in a piece of paper first and transfer it into my digital notes, (obsidianmd btw) and as a non-English native speaker, I try to refine my wordings and grammar. In this particular time, I was doing some introspection about my work and career and things I need to do and learn, but first, I gotta pinpoint the why's and how's of doing these goals that I have. So I thought, let's start with my goals and at the same time, these has been also served as my motivation everyday.

  1. Bridging Design and Development:
    • Focused on the synergy of web development and digital design.
    • Acknowledging the unique but overlapping aspects of both disciplines.
  2. Enhancing Native Web Experience:
    • Striving to make web elements and experiences feel seamlessly native, especially on mobile devices.
    • A commitment to transcending the limitations of typical web design.
  3. Elevating Website Experiences:
    • A commitment to transcending typical UI patterns.
    • Aiming to create websites that stand out in design, performance, and overall user experience.
    • A strong aversion to commonplace UI components like hamburger menus and cluttered footers.
  4. Inspiration from Native Mobile Apps:
    • Recognizing the dominance of native apps like Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and Messenger.
    • Aspiring to capture the essence of a native app experience on the web.
  5. Innovative UI Approaches:
    • Advocating for the gradual departure from conventional super menus and cliché UI elements.
    • Aiming for a fresh and interesting approach that resonates with users.
  6. Diverse Design Integration:
    • Exploring various design facets such as brand design, motion design, and visual design.
    • Venturing into 3D design with technologies like web GL, three.js, and spline.
  7. Mobile Development Exploration:
    • Recognizing the global surge in mobile users.
    • Considering delving into mobile development, exploring tools like React Native or Expo for creating universal native apps.
  8. Continuous Learning and Growth:
    • Keeping an eye on emerging trends and technologies.
    • Embracing a mindset of continuous learning and adaptability.
    • To be updated.

May we find the strengths and willpower to do the things we are longing for.

Written November 22, 2023